Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Awards Dinner photos

A great night out on Saturday in Lamberhurst with the club formally recognising the achievements of those who have performed above and beyond during 2006.

Here's some memories from a great night out.

Albert with his Standards Trophy

Helen with her second trophy of the evening!

Rachel with her huge Marathon Trophy (see the Boys trophy below)

Mike Pain with the Boys Marathon Trophy

Cathy with the trophy for her Club Championship win, combining the best 10K, 10 Mile and Half Marathon times. Eyes forward Mr Chairman

Helen Neary with the Ladies Handicap Trophy

Mike Mackay receives his trophy for Mens Vet Club Champion

Kathie Gates with her Senior Ladies trophy

David Burfoot was the Senior Men's champion but it was past his bedtime so he sent his mum to pick up the gong!

Helen and Albert getting pash

Mike Pain with his award for being very quick indeed

What an array of sporting talent and athletic excellence! The 2007 Marathon Team including those who took part in the London, Rotterdam and Paris Marathons

That creme brulee (you had to be there!)

Tucking in

Rabit, rabbit, rabbit

More hot air

A bloke with a stone head pictured with a bust of some Roman bloke

Albert sings the national Anthem to an appreciative audience

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