Monday, 26 March 2007

Only 4 weeks to go ....

Quite a number of Waddies used the weekend to complete their final non-competitive long training run - so to those who have tired and aching limbs this morning ..... tough!

A couple of Waddies wore the club vest in competitive events over the weekend. Martin and Cathy Burke flew the flag at the Brentwood Half yesterday, Cathy recording a 1.54.11 (1.53.34 Chip) and Martin (who insists it was never on his agenda to race, only to pace and nothing to do with meeting his mate Leffe on the previous evening) recording a 2.09.44. Liam Burke wore the Waddie vest in the 3 mile Fun Run and finished in 142nd place out of a field of almost 800 in a time of 24.00.

Peter Burfoot who is taking part in the Rotterdam Marathon in a couple of weeks took part in the Cranleigh 21 event yesterday and his result will be posted here just as soon as he's finished - sorry, as soon as we have have it!

To those Waddies taking part in the Flora London Marathon, there's just four weeks to go and the last of the long runs will be taking place this Sunday in Worthing. The Worthing 20 is also a Sussex Grand Prix event - so there's plenty of points at stake as well as miles under your belt. If you haven't entered, you should still be able to do so on the day - but do make sure you get there early, it's a 9 am start.

Also this week, the Committee meeting tomorrow night should be an emotional affair as Peter is re-united with his Nike hat - we'll try and get some photos of the event.

Coming up in future weeks the Folkestone 10 takes place on Good Friday (April 6th), The Lewes 10K and Fun Run is on Easter Monday (April 9th), there's a 10K in Arundel Park on the 15th before the running community decamps either to London or to their sitting rooms in front of the TV for the London Marathon on April 22nd. Finally, on April 29th it's the Hastings 5 Mile - another Sussex GP race. Organisers say that the Waddies have the largest entry from a single club which is great news - those of you who have not entered yet can do so by clicking here to go straight to the rather basic event website.

Have a good week.

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