To put a final cap on the London Marathon week - and just in case you missed the email from Mike.
Click here to bring those memories flooding back!
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Friday, 27 April 2007
Calling Waddettes!
A message from Ladies Captain, Rachel:
"Firstly, congratulations to everyone who has completed marathons in the last few weeks and pounding the streets for 26.2 miles in 25C heat is no small feat! The ladies team did us all proud in London - first timers Cathy H and Jo couldn't have picked a worse year for their debut - fantastic first time performances! And great times for seasoned runners Helen, Cathy B, Sara and Me (this is the last one, but I think I said that last year!).
Ed W's fair weather training programme sounds like a great plan for anyone who wants to avoid cold wet long Sunday morning runs, but still want run a marathon in under 4 hours (but you'll have to eat more wine gums to catch me, Ed!!!!!!!!!! ) Or there's the Ed McK "I've done no training" programme that gets you round the course in 3hours 13 (are you sure that you went didn't miss out the 9 miles around the Isle of Dogs?)!!!!!!!
I know that it's hard to think beyond getting ready for THE social event of the year (Awards Dinner on Saturday), but I just wanted to remind you of a few more dates for your diary from the Sussex Grand Prix agenda:
The Hastings 5 miler is on Sunday - meeting at Uplands at 9.00 for a 10.30 race start. A nice gentle way to ease back into racing and manageable with a hangover!
For those who wouldn't get out of bed for less than a 10k, the next race is the Hastings 5 this Sunday followed by the Hailsham 10 miler on the 13th of May. The next events are then Horsham 10k on 20th May, Worthing 10K on 6th June (this one's always a favourite as it's flat and we stop for fish & chips on the way home), and Heathfield 10k on 24th June.
Don't forget to bring your marathon medals on Saturday night - it's just sooooo this season!
Happy running & recovering!
Rachel xox"
"Firstly, congratulations to everyone who has completed marathons in the last few weeks and pounding the streets for 26.2 miles in 25C heat is no small feat! The ladies team did us all proud in London - first timers Cathy H and Jo couldn't have picked a worse year for their debut - fantastic first time performances! And great times for seasoned runners Helen, Cathy B, Sara and Me (this is the last one, but I think I said that last year!).
Ed W's fair weather training programme sounds like a great plan for anyone who wants to avoid cold wet long Sunday morning runs, but still want run a marathon in under 4 hours (but you'll have to eat more wine gums to catch me, Ed!!!!!!!!!! ) Or there's the Ed McK "I've done no training" programme that gets you round the course in 3hours 13 (are you sure that you went didn't miss out the 9 miles around the Isle of Dogs?)!!!!!!!
I know that it's hard to think beyond getting ready for THE social event of the year (Awards Dinner on Saturday), but I just wanted to remind you of a few more dates for your diary from the Sussex Grand Prix agenda:
The Hastings 5 miler is on Sunday - meeting at Uplands at 9.00 for a 10.30 race start. A nice gentle way to ease back into racing and manageable with a hangover!
For those who wouldn't get out of bed for less than a 10k, the next race is the Hastings 5 this Sunday followed by the Hailsham 10 miler on the 13th of May. The next events are then Horsham 10k on 20th May, Worthing 10K on 6th June (this one's always a favourite as it's flat and we stop for fish & chips on the way home), and Heathfield 10k on 24th June.
Don't forget to bring your marathon medals on Saturday night - it's just sooooo this season!
Happy running & recovering!
Rachel xox"
Awards Dinner,
Hailsham 10,
Hastings 5,
Horsham 10K,
London Marathon,
Worthing 10K
Back to reality now
After the euphoria, aches, pains and God knows what else of London, it's back to the grindstone this weekend and we're looking for a healthy turnout of Waddies in Hastings on Sunday morning.
Grand prix points are at stake for the Hastings 5 - a flat, out and back course along the sea front. Perfect for a short, sharp Sunday morning trot.
The race begins at 10.30 and entries should be available on the day.
Before then of course it's the Awards Dinner in Lamberhurst on Saturday night.
Maybe that will influence how many turn out on Sunday morning!
Grand prix points are at stake for the Hastings 5 - a flat, out and back course along the sea front. Perfect for a short, sharp Sunday morning trot.
The race begins at 10.30 and entries should be available on the day.
Before then of course it's the Awards Dinner in Lamberhurst on Saturday night.
Maybe that will influence how many turn out on Sunday morning!
Monday, 23 April 2007
Your London experience
Here's a selection of your experiences to date:
From Ed
13 starters and 13 finishers is a pretty impressive statistic from Sunday - I don't think many clubs could match that especially with a 100% completion rate at Rotterdam and Paris as well.
I had a surprisingly trouble free day on Sunday with the most difficult bit being navigating the crowds at Westminster tube after the race to try to get back to my little band of supporters who were stuck on the other side of the embankment unable to get across with James in his pushchair. The long trek to Lambeth Bridge and then back to Waterloo on the other side of the river to try to catch a train added a few extra miles I could have done without !!!
It was a pleasant surprise to bump into Eddie & Shane at London Bridge before the start. I was able to play the 'old pro' having lost count of my marathons while talking to the two debutants but in reality I was just as nervous as they were - the prospect of 26 miles when you've not done the training tends to focus the mind.
The race itself went pretty much according to plan (if I'd had one). I'd no set target time or pace but had decided to just keep it as relaxed as possible and try to avoid aggravating all my niggles, aches and pains for as long as possible. I fully expected to end up walking at some point but wanted to stave that off for as long as possible. The first couple of miles were very slow predictably but then after about 3 miles I was able to move a bit more freely. At this point I overtook Albert who started talking about "bananas at 20 miles" - I didn't pursue the conversation but realised later he was probably referring to Roger et al who I later saw in the most desolate, windswept area of docklands.
10K splits to 30K of 44:54, 45:32 (with a loo stop) and 45:41 (another loo stop) told me things were going well despite the fact that I'd been overtaken by a fairy on London Bridge and by Elvis soon after.
30K to 40K is the bit I was dreading though and where I expected the lack of training to show but while a 10K split of 47:36 showed I was slowing, I actually found that I was coping with the conditions better than most. I passed a few members of my old Wimbledon club in this section pausing for a brief few words with each - when you meet up for someone for the first time in a couple of years you hope to be able to say more than a few grunts of acknowledgment but nobody was really in the mood for a chat. It's a lovely feeling overtaking people rather than having them all fly past you - I've experienced it both ways.
The last few miles were great. I knew I was going to finish, the crowd was spectacular, I'd managed to overtake Elvis and the fairy again and I was able to concentrate on pushing the pace just that bit harder for the first time in the race. I nearly missed Bonita but she saw through my disguise (a bandana I kept wet to keep my head cool) and gave me an almighty shout to get over the volume of the crowds. I got a bit over ambitious on Birdcage Walk trying to stride out from the 800m to go but deciding to ease off again with 780m to go. I can never resist the opportunity for a mad sprint though so set off again from about 300 to go and felt like I was flying down the Mall. I'm glad that I don't have any video of it though as I'm sure it was considerably less impressive than the memory I have of it my mind.
A great event again - if you've run it (or even watched it) then you'll understand. If you haven’t run it then get your entry in for next year !
From Mike Mackay
Well done to everyone who took part yesterday in some of the worst conditions I have experienced for a Marathon.
It was so bad for me that I missed the 3.15 qualifying yesterday by under 2 minutes and tried all I could to make up the time but was suffering too much. In the end I was quite relived when I was heading to Birdcage Walk (passing one poor chap with his legs and arms turned to jelly) and realised that I was going to miss it - I could then ease off a bit and simply struggle to the line. I also had the thoughts that these two minutes means I have to run another marathon to get the time but even this couldn't push me on any quicker! Took on water at every stop from 3 miles too and managed to loose a fair bit of weight.
Spent the rest of the day feeling ill, sat on the sofa with an ice pack on my head and fell asleep quite early and remained there until 6am! Feel like I have a hangover today but sure this will pass - especially so as I have left alcohol alone for 10 days before the race with the intention to have one at the charity hospitality I attended after but couldn't touch a drop. The massage by 3 lovely sports therapists made up for it though and can be thoroughly recommended (Children With Leukaemia).
Hope you have all got through this without too much drama, well done Ed for a great time and look forward to swapping some stories at the awards dinner!
Off to try and replace some of the weight I lost - I am in the 10 stone category now which is far too low! Bring on the creme brulee on Saturday!
From Martin
The Institute of Sport reported this morning that the average runner loses 2 cm in height after completing the London Marathon. Have you done every one then Albert?
If I see another Bakewell Tart, I'm gonna knock his cherry off!
From Sara Wrenn
Managed to just about survive the heat on Sunday but no amount of winter training prepared me for the heat we had to endure. I knew it was going to be sunny and warm so I had done my all pre race hydration so not to be caught out on the day.
I felt a little worried standing at the start line. The sun by now even hotter and I know I always wilt in the heat but the amount of liquid I had taken on board over the last couple of days reassured me I would be OK. I limited myself on water an hour before the start because of the large queues to the toilets but was prepared to start drinking water at the 3 mile point.
The race started and like last year we all came to a halt (twice) once we crossed the started line. When we did get started again I was clearly shocked when I reached the 3 mile water stop to be told they ran out and we would have to wait to the next one. I managed to spot a bottle with half inch water in it so I grabbed it. This carried me to the next stop. This wasn't the only water station where they had run out. I knew my family were waiting for me at 11.5 mark then at 11 miles I was hit by cramp. My family helped me by massaging my legs and gave me water. I carried on but dehydration quickly set in and the cramp was not going to go away. I saw a sign at the 16 mile mark and it read; Pain is only temporary but giving up is forever. I was determined I was going to finish. I saw Roger at 19 miles and he supplied me with food and sweets.
About mile 22 I was looking at the spectators to see if they had any water and one women handed over her water bottle. About 2 miles from the finish there was masses of water being given out. Maybe this was too late for some. Just before I crossed the finish line a man bent down and bared all by doing a moonie at the camera's. I'm glad someone saw some humour.
I had also learned that there were a few elite's who had bailed out. Then I felt I didn't do too bad after all.
Happy marathon running.
Sara at the finish
Eddie gets all emotional at the start
Graffiti spotted at the Expo
From Eddie
I'll be brief!
Utterly fantastic experience - really quite humbling at times.
Pleased with my sub-4 hour time and I know that we could all have gone faster had the weather be kinder.
Very proud to have taken part in the biggest, hottest FLM to-date!
Well done to all who participated and thanks to the friends and family who supported us.
Finally, I was going to use the BLOG to formally announce my retirement as a Marathon Runner but, well, um.........
From Albert
The Waddies are a proud bunch and so they should be with fine performances in such torrid conditions. Each member has their own tale to tell. Here is mine:
I felt my training had a little extra oomph this year. Garmin's are so accurate and they are good and bad. The bad later. I kept to the training distances to the exact mile (OK I could not always train to the right tempo) and felt good most of the training period. Before the start I kept out of the sun - hidden by the famous skip until 15 minutes before the start. Rushed to claim my Pen 3 start place and was quite hydrated except I had forgotten to retrieve my usual drink concoction before handing in the baggage. Was it a mistake? Probably got away with it because of the amount of Lucozade Sport available.
I had my best start in 8 London's and was running well up to the 1/2 marathon time when I realised that I had to do it all over again. At this stage I had 5 minutes in hand for the second half. I dropped the pace slightly as planned but at 19 to 20 I realised I was in danger of losing too much time but I developed a blister on my left toe (with modern shoes this does not normally happen to me) but more worryingly I realised my quads were beginning to cramp. I was also conscious of my left and right calves which had pulled over night in bed (I had problems previously, during the Worthing 20 and a final 2 mile gentle cycling exercise on Friday), so I was nursing my legs. At 20 miles I had to refuse my energy gels that Roger so kindly tried to give me but I felt too sick from the quantity of previous energy and water drinks supplied en route.
I was still on target at 24.5 miles but here I realised the negative of having a high tech Garmin watch. As it is impossible in the middle order to keep to the magical blue line I would need to run more than 26.2 miles. In fact I ran 26.45 miles all told. Even small deviations such as idiot runners, spectators and even marshals cutting across me or my own futile attempt to over take runners; it all adds to the distance. The tremendous heat meant hugging the occasional shade; which added yet more distance.
The heat had got to me at this stage. For the first time ever I questioned why was I pushing myself and why bother with marathons! At 24.5 miles I had 10 1/2 minutes to run to match my dream time of 3.30, which I had worked on for 16 sodding weeks. My quads were now screaming and my calves kept niggling. It took me 16 1/2 minutes to finish. The last 400 metres dragged endlessly as I knew I had already run a marathon. I gave my all and could not have run any faster. Tired and deflated at missing my dream time but happier once Martin told me I was 41st Vet 5.
Will I do it again and repeat this torture...........OF COURSE I WILL (but not next week).
Do please continue to send in your London experience - spectators or participants - and we'll post them here.
From Ed
13 starters and 13 finishers is a pretty impressive statistic from Sunday - I don't think many clubs could match that especially with a 100% completion rate at Rotterdam and Paris as well.
I had a surprisingly trouble free day on Sunday with the most difficult bit being navigating the crowds at Westminster tube after the race to try to get back to my little band of supporters who were stuck on the other side of the embankment unable to get across with James in his pushchair. The long trek to Lambeth Bridge and then back to Waterloo on the other side of the river to try to catch a train added a few extra miles I could have done without !!!
It was a pleasant surprise to bump into Eddie & Shane at London Bridge before the start. I was able to play the 'old pro' having lost count of my marathons while talking to the two debutants but in reality I was just as nervous as they were - the prospect of 26 miles when you've not done the training tends to focus the mind.
The race itself went pretty much according to plan (if I'd had one). I'd no set target time or pace but had decided to just keep it as relaxed as possible and try to avoid aggravating all my niggles, aches and pains for as long as possible. I fully expected to end up walking at some point but wanted to stave that off for as long as possible. The first couple of miles were very slow predictably but then after about 3 miles I was able to move a bit more freely. At this point I overtook Albert who started talking about "bananas at 20 miles" - I didn't pursue the conversation but realised later he was probably referring to Roger et al who I later saw in the most desolate, windswept area of docklands.
10K splits to 30K of 44:54, 45:32 (with a loo stop) and 45:41 (another loo stop) told me things were going well despite the fact that I'd been overtaken by a fairy on London Bridge and by Elvis soon after.
30K to 40K is the bit I was dreading though and where I expected the lack of training to show but while a 10K split of 47:36 showed I was slowing, I actually found that I was coping with the conditions better than most. I passed a few members of my old Wimbledon club in this section pausing for a brief few words with each - when you meet up for someone for the first time in a couple of years you hope to be able to say more than a few grunts of acknowledgment but nobody was really in the mood for a chat. It's a lovely feeling overtaking people rather than having them all fly past you - I've experienced it both ways.
The last few miles were great. I knew I was going to finish, the crowd was spectacular, I'd managed to overtake Elvis and the fairy again and I was able to concentrate on pushing the pace just that bit harder for the first time in the race. I nearly missed Bonita but she saw through my disguise (a bandana I kept wet to keep my head cool) and gave me an almighty shout to get over the volume of the crowds. I got a bit over ambitious on Birdcage Walk trying to stride out from the 800m to go but deciding to ease off again with 780m to go. I can never resist the opportunity for a mad sprint though so set off again from about 300 to go and felt like I was flying down the Mall. I'm glad that I don't have any video of it though as I'm sure it was considerably less impressive than the memory I have of it my mind.
A great event again - if you've run it (or even watched it) then you'll understand. If you haven’t run it then get your entry in for next year !
From Mike Mackay
Well done to everyone who took part yesterday in some of the worst conditions I have experienced for a Marathon.
It was so bad for me that I missed the 3.15 qualifying yesterday by under 2 minutes and tried all I could to make up the time but was suffering too much. In the end I was quite relived when I was heading to Birdcage Walk (passing one poor chap with his legs and arms turned to jelly) and realised that I was going to miss it - I could then ease off a bit and simply struggle to the line. I also had the thoughts that these two minutes means I have to run another marathon to get the time but even this couldn't push me on any quicker! Took on water at every stop from 3 miles too and managed to loose a fair bit of weight.
Spent the rest of the day feeling ill, sat on the sofa with an ice pack on my head and fell asleep quite early and remained there until 6am! Feel like I have a hangover today but sure this will pass - especially so as I have left alcohol alone for 10 days before the race with the intention to have one at the charity hospitality I attended after but couldn't touch a drop. The massage by 3 lovely sports therapists made up for it though and can be thoroughly recommended (Children With Leukaemia).
Hope you have all got through this without too much drama, well done Ed for a great time and look forward to swapping some stories at the awards dinner!
Off to try and replace some of the weight I lost - I am in the 10 stone category now which is far too low! Bring on the creme brulee on Saturday!
From Martin
The Institute of Sport reported this morning that the average runner loses 2 cm in height after completing the London Marathon. Have you done every one then Albert?
If I see another Bakewell Tart, I'm gonna knock his cherry off!
From Sara Wrenn
Managed to just about survive the heat on Sunday but no amount of winter training prepared me for the heat we had to endure. I knew it was going to be sunny and warm so I had done my all pre race hydration so not to be caught out on the day.
I felt a little worried standing at the start line. The sun by now even hotter and I know I always wilt in the heat but the amount of liquid I had taken on board over the last couple of days reassured me I would be OK. I limited myself on water an hour before the start because of the large queues to the toilets but was prepared to start drinking water at the 3 mile point.
The race started and like last year we all came to a halt (twice) once we crossed the started line. When we did get started again I was clearly shocked when I reached the 3 mile water stop to be told they ran out and we would have to wait to the next one. I managed to spot a bottle with half inch water in it so I grabbed it. This carried me to the next stop. This wasn't the only water station where they had run out. I knew my family were waiting for me at 11.5 mark then at 11 miles I was hit by cramp. My family helped me by massaging my legs and gave me water. I carried on but dehydration quickly set in and the cramp was not going to go away. I saw a sign at the 16 mile mark and it read; Pain is only temporary but giving up is forever. I was determined I was going to finish. I saw Roger at 19 miles and he supplied me with food and sweets.
About mile 22 I was looking at the spectators to see if they had any water and one women handed over her water bottle. About 2 miles from the finish there was masses of water being given out. Maybe this was too late for some. Just before I crossed the finish line a man bent down and bared all by doing a moonie at the camera's. I'm glad someone saw some humour.
I had also learned that there were a few elite's who had bailed out. Then I felt I didn't do too bad after all.
Happy marathon running.
Sara at the finish
Eddie gets all emotional at the start
Graffiti spotted at the Expo
From Eddie
I'll be brief!
Utterly fantastic experience - really quite humbling at times.
Pleased with my sub-4 hour time and I know that we could all have gone faster had the weather be kinder.
Very proud to have taken part in the biggest, hottest FLM to-date!
Well done to all who participated and thanks to the friends and family who supported us.
Finally, I was going to use the BLOG to formally announce my retirement as a Marathon Runner but, well, um.........
From Albert
The Waddies are a proud bunch and so they should be with fine performances in such torrid conditions. Each member has their own tale to tell. Here is mine:
I felt my training had a little extra oomph this year. Garmin's are so accurate and they are good and bad. The bad later. I kept to the training distances to the exact mile (OK I could not always train to the right tempo) and felt good most of the training period. Before the start I kept out of the sun - hidden by the famous skip until 15 minutes before the start. Rushed to claim my Pen 3 start place and was quite hydrated except I had forgotten to retrieve my usual drink concoction before handing in the baggage. Was it a mistake? Probably got away with it because of the amount of Lucozade Sport available.
I had my best start in 8 London's and was running well up to the 1/2 marathon time when I realised that I had to do it all over again. At this stage I had 5 minutes in hand for the second half. I dropped the pace slightly as planned but at 19 to 20 I realised I was in danger of losing too much time but I developed a blister on my left toe (with modern shoes this does not normally happen to me) but more worryingly I realised my quads were beginning to cramp. I was also conscious of my left and right calves which had pulled over night in bed (I had problems previously, during the Worthing 20 and a final 2 mile gentle cycling exercise on Friday), so I was nursing my legs. At 20 miles I had to refuse my energy gels that Roger so kindly tried to give me but I felt too sick from the quantity of previous energy and water drinks supplied en route.
I was still on target at 24.5 miles but here I realised the negative of having a high tech Garmin watch. As it is impossible in the middle order to keep to the magical blue line I would need to run more than 26.2 miles. In fact I ran 26.45 miles all told. Even small deviations such as idiot runners, spectators and even marshals cutting across me or my own futile attempt to over take runners; it all adds to the distance. The tremendous heat meant hugging the occasional shade; which added yet more distance.
The heat had got to me at this stage. For the first time ever I questioned why was I pushing myself and why bother with marathons! At 24.5 miles I had 10 1/2 minutes to run to match my dream time of 3.30, which I had worked on for 16 sodding weeks. My quads were now screaming and my calves kept niggling. It took me 16 1/2 minutes to finish. The last 400 metres dragged endlessly as I knew I had already run a marathon. I gave my all and could not have run any faster. Tired and deflated at missing my dream time but happier once Martin told me I was 41st Vet 5.
Will I do it again and repeat this torture...........OF COURSE I WILL (but not next week).
Do please continue to send in your London experience - spectators or participants - and we'll post them here.
Heat, more heat and even more heat!!
A big well done to all those Waddies who braved the heat of London yesterday. There were some spectacular performances and without taking away anything from those who took part - we must say well done to Ed and Mike who posted great times. Mike - don't worry about missing the Good for Age time by two minutes at least you beat the two Bakewell Tarts that bounded past WebEd on the Embankment! Albert had a superb run (amazingly he's a bit mizzy about being four minutes down on last year - Albert you were 41st in your age group!! We could do with some thoughts, piccies and news on pbs - the only pb we're aware of at the moment is Shane who ran a great race to finish under his 4 hour target time.
To those of you who are a touch disappointed about your time, consider the following:
The First Aid authorities treated more than 5,000 competitors - that's almost 15% of the field.
Almost 100 people were taken to hospital and there has been one reported fatality
The organisers report that times for runners were up to 20% slower due to the heat
Official temperatures were 21 degrees. However, readings taken along the route showed temperatures of up to 32 degrees!!
Haile Gebrselassie couldn't hack the event and dropped out after 19 miles
Now do you feel better??
Here's the results:
Ed McKinney 3.13.44
Mike Mackay 3.16.53
Albert Kemp 3.36.17
Rachel Davies 3.56.42
Eddie Wattenbach 3.57.23
Shane Last 3.59.26
Helen Neary 4.07.55
Cathy Hall 4.28.16
David Jones 4.31.54
Jo White 4.53.55
Cathy Burke 4.54.39
Martin Burke 4.58.46
Sara Wrenn 5.56.03
Well done to the lot of you. First photos are below, but we'd love to have some more.
Oh - and its back to reality this weekend. The Sussex Grand Prix returns with the Hastings 5 Mile - the race takes place around 12 hours after the Awards Dinner finishes. Who's up for it?
Albert prepares for his Chairman's motivational speech at the start
And the response from the members was unanimous
A picture of a load of rubbish just before the start. With a skip in the background.
Five Waddies - but six chins!
Piece of cake
To those of you who are a touch disappointed about your time, consider the following:
The First Aid authorities treated more than 5,000 competitors - that's almost 15% of the field.
Almost 100 people were taken to hospital and there has been one reported fatality
The organisers report that times for runners were up to 20% slower due to the heat
Official temperatures were 21 degrees. However, readings taken along the route showed temperatures of up to 32 degrees!!
Haile Gebrselassie couldn't hack the event and dropped out after 19 miles
Now do you feel better??
Here's the results:
Ed McKinney 3.13.44
Mike Mackay 3.16.53
Albert Kemp 3.36.17
Rachel Davies 3.56.42
Eddie Wattenbach 3.57.23
Shane Last 3.59.26
Helen Neary 4.07.55
Cathy Hall 4.28.16
David Jones 4.31.54
Jo White 4.53.55
Cathy Burke 4.54.39
Martin Burke 4.58.46
Sara Wrenn 5.56.03
Well done to the lot of you. First photos are below, but we'd love to have some more.
Oh - and its back to reality this weekend. The Sussex Grand Prix returns with the Hastings 5 Mile - the race takes place around 12 hours after the Awards Dinner finishes. Who's up for it?
Albert prepares for his Chairman's motivational speech at the start
And the response from the members was unanimous
A picture of a load of rubbish just before the start. With a skip in the background.
Five Waddies - but six chins!
Piece of cake
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Paris Marathon
News and piccies in from Tony and Kathie Gates who took part in last weekend's Paris Marathon.
"It was a great weekend. We arrived in Paris in the early afternoon of Friday and went straight to the Expo, picked up our numbers and bought a couple of t shirts. Then it was onto the Hotel which was 200 yds from the Arc de Triomphe (close eyes and drive for the gap time!). Booked in and a quick tour of local area - great evening meal.
On Saturday it was up for breakfast and we did all the tourist bits - the Tower, tour bus etc then back to the hotel and a Pasta meal.
On Sunday we were at the Arc for 8 o'clock with crowds gathering (met some runners from Bournemouth). The weather was really hot. The race starts and we get to the line by 9 am (so much rubbish left at start - T Shirts bottles etc). The sites are fantastic. When we got to the nine mile stage the drink stations had run out of water (people searching the ground for any half full bottles). The French fire brigade were hosing runners down to keep them cool and I managed to get some water from a tap at the side of the road. (Us brits can push as hard as the French if we try). Water bottles reappeared after the 21 mile stage by now ambulances were giving oxygen to runners all along the route. Anyway I finished in 5hr 19m and Kathie in 5hr 36m. Back to hotel and out on the town for a cruise on the Seine and up the tower back to the arc for evening meal.
On Monday after breakfast we packed up and left Paris at 10.30 and on to Calais to stock up with wine and champange and then home by 5pm.
A really fantastic weekend"
Thanks for the report Tony and this WebEd is glad to hear from you. I was in Paris at the weekend and was aware that there had been at least one and possibly two fatalities on the route (strangely enough no reports in the press!!) but didn't want to dwell on this until we'd heard you'd both got round safe and sound! Chairman Albert and Sara have experience of this event and have also seen problems with water before - when will these guys ever learn??
"It was a great weekend. We arrived in Paris in the early afternoon of Friday and went straight to the Expo, picked up our numbers and bought a couple of t shirts. Then it was onto the Hotel which was 200 yds from the Arc de Triomphe (close eyes and drive for the gap time!). Booked in and a quick tour of local area - great evening meal.
On Saturday it was up for breakfast and we did all the tourist bits - the Tower, tour bus etc then back to the hotel and a Pasta meal.
On Sunday we were at the Arc for 8 o'clock with crowds gathering (met some runners from Bournemouth). The weather was really hot. The race starts and we get to the line by 9 am (so much rubbish left at start - T Shirts bottles etc). The sites are fantastic. When we got to the nine mile stage the drink stations had run out of water (people searching the ground for any half full bottles). The French fire brigade were hosing runners down to keep them cool and I managed to get some water from a tap at the side of the road. (Us brits can push as hard as the French if we try). Water bottles reappeared after the 21 mile stage by now ambulances were giving oxygen to runners all along the route. Anyway I finished in 5hr 19m and Kathie in 5hr 36m. Back to hotel and out on the town for a cruise on the Seine and up the tower back to the arc for evening meal.
On Monday after breakfast we packed up and left Paris at 10.30 and on to Calais to stock up with wine and champange and then home by 5pm.
A really fantastic weekend"
Thanks for the report Tony and this WebEd is glad to hear from you. I was in Paris at the weekend and was aware that there had been at least one and possibly two fatalities on the route (strangely enough no reports in the press!!) but didn't want to dwell on this until we'd heard you'd both got round safe and sound! Chairman Albert and Sara have experience of this event and have also seen problems with water before - when will these guys ever learn??
Friday, 20 April 2007
Rotterdam Marathon
Here's Peter's report from Rotterdam:
"It was a memorable day for all the wrong reasons. Typical press reports headline "Heat cuts Rotterdam marathon short". That report in English states that of the 7,800 participants, just over 4,200 finished the race and that the remaining 3,600 were unable to cross the line either because of the heat or the decision to stop the race early, after 3.5 hours. All participants still on the route were advised to walk the remaining distance and vans were available to pick up people unable to continue. I heard and understood the announcement at around the 39 km point but couldn't be certain it was genuine and anyway my chip set the 40km mat buzzing so why not continue running at the reduced speed I had had to run at after my right calf started to cramp around 28 kms? I passed loads of walking runners in those last few kilometers.
I saw none of the 30 runners taken to hospital many with symptoms of dehydration. 17 were admitted for further treatment and 2 runners who collapsed were successfully resuscitated, acccording to
I had ambled the short distance from my hotel to the start about 40 minutes before the canon was due to be fired. I was up and raring to make this the race of my lifetime. I had drunk litres of Lucozade Sport and had brought my normal pre-race breakfast from England, so it was just another raceday for me without the hassle of the drive or the familiar tracks on the cd player. I declined the extra bottle of water offerd by the organisers as I had a small bottle with me which I discarded shortly before the off.
My worry in the opening minutes was whether I could survive without the lu-stop which had delayed me after the start in London last year. I crossed the line 1:57 minutes after the Mayor fired the canon and was soon on the Erasmus Bridge were I saw Lisa and later the Pain brothers, Emma and Rachel. I started to increase speed and cheerily told Chris Hall of Dorking and Mole Valley that I would have have to leave him on his 3:30 pace as I was going for 3:15! I also plugged the Bewl 15 at the same time!
Between the 5km and 10km splits I was just 6 seconds off my planned marathon pace for 3:15. but I had had just one 200ml drink of Extran at the 5km drinks station and I was starting to thirst in the wide bright expanses of unshaded tarmac. At 10 km I thought the promised "showers" which I had never intended to use had been set up in a petrol station and veered off the road towards it only to backtrack across the grass when I realised it was a relay station for one of the subsidiary races!
I saw my band of supporters again and thought I was on track, but in fact I was slipping. I was fooled because my 3:15 paceband had slipped and the 3:30 band was showing. I thought I was on time at the half marathon point as well, but after then I had to start walking through the drinks stations so I could take on 2 to 3 cups of water and 2 cups of Extran as well as pour water over my head in an effort to cool down. In addition to the gels taken before the start, I was consuming all the 8 SIS gels I took with me.
I was unaware that in fact my heart rate had risen to unsustainable levels. It is incredible that levels reached at the end of my 42 min Chichester 10k were reached after the 48 min first 10 km section at Rotterdam. I was keeping going and comfortable but gradually losing speed when at around 28km I was back on the Erasmus Bridge and I saw my band of supporters again. Instinctively I sped up and at the same time the cramp which dominated the next 14 kms seized my right calf..
I continued to run but I could not get up to a decent speed again. As soon as I went above a certain speed the right calf started to cramp. It was even triggered by cold water falling on it! There was a nice shaded section which relieved the intensity of the sun for a while, but then I was out in the open again. At one point the cramp made me stop to stretch the muscle and it was shortly after this that the announcement was made that the race was stopped. How pleased was I to run past all those walking runners? Pleased as it turned out not to be wasting my 16 weeks of training and pbs attained at 10km, 10mile, Half Marathon and 20 mile distances in my marathon training, but I had never suffered from this cramp before.
The race still seemed to be on as the finish clock came into view. The disappointment was to be expected. I had finished in 1,259th place with a gun to finish time of 3:54:02 and a chip time of 3:52:25, some 14 minutes slower than London last year. But I had made it when many didn't after they had been threatend that they were risking their health by continuing. Chris Hall finished with a chip time of 3:38:57. I was told that even the Runners World Pacers couldn't make their times.
The experience makes me more determined than ever to succeed and proves that you can prepare as well as you possibly can but the conditions on the day are totally out of your control.
My thanks go to Lisa, Mike, Emma, Andy, Rachel and the the "Clappy Thing" for their most welcome support.
"It was a memorable day for all the wrong reasons. Typical press reports headline "Heat cuts Rotterdam marathon short". That report in English states that of the 7,800 participants, just over 4,200 finished the race and that the remaining 3,600 were unable to cross the line either because of the heat or the decision to stop the race early, after 3.5 hours. All participants still on the route were advised to walk the remaining distance and vans were available to pick up people unable to continue. I heard and understood the announcement at around the 39 km point but couldn't be certain it was genuine and anyway my chip set the 40km mat buzzing so why not continue running at the reduced speed I had had to run at after my right calf started to cramp around 28 kms? I passed loads of walking runners in those last few kilometers.
I saw none of the 30 runners taken to hospital many with symptoms of dehydration. 17 were admitted for further treatment and 2 runners who collapsed were successfully resuscitated, acccording to
I had ambled the short distance from my hotel to the start about 40 minutes before the canon was due to be fired. I was up and raring to make this the race of my lifetime. I had drunk litres of Lucozade Sport and had brought my normal pre-race breakfast from England, so it was just another raceday for me without the hassle of the drive or the familiar tracks on the cd player. I declined the extra bottle of water offerd by the organisers as I had a small bottle with me which I discarded shortly before the off.
My worry in the opening minutes was whether I could survive without the lu-stop which had delayed me after the start in London last year. I crossed the line 1:57 minutes after the Mayor fired the canon and was soon on the Erasmus Bridge were I saw Lisa and later the Pain brothers, Emma and Rachel. I started to increase speed and cheerily told Chris Hall of Dorking and Mole Valley that I would have have to leave him on his 3:30 pace as I was going for 3:15! I also plugged the Bewl 15 at the same time!
Between the 5km and 10km splits I was just 6 seconds off my planned marathon pace for 3:15. but I had had just one 200ml drink of Extran at the 5km drinks station and I was starting to thirst in the wide bright expanses of unshaded tarmac. At 10 km I thought the promised "showers" which I had never intended to use had been set up in a petrol station and veered off the road towards it only to backtrack across the grass when I realised it was a relay station for one of the subsidiary races!
I saw my band of supporters again and thought I was on track, but in fact I was slipping. I was fooled because my 3:15 paceband had slipped and the 3:30 band was showing. I thought I was on time at the half marathon point as well, but after then I had to start walking through the drinks stations so I could take on 2 to 3 cups of water and 2 cups of Extran as well as pour water over my head in an effort to cool down. In addition to the gels taken before the start, I was consuming all the 8 SIS gels I took with me.
I was unaware that in fact my heart rate had risen to unsustainable levels. It is incredible that levels reached at the end of my 42 min Chichester 10k were reached after the 48 min first 10 km section at Rotterdam. I was keeping going and comfortable but gradually losing speed when at around 28km I was back on the Erasmus Bridge and I saw my band of supporters again. Instinctively I sped up and at the same time the cramp which dominated the next 14 kms seized my right calf..
I continued to run but I could not get up to a decent speed again. As soon as I went above a certain speed the right calf started to cramp. It was even triggered by cold water falling on it! There was a nice shaded section which relieved the intensity of the sun for a while, but then I was out in the open again. At one point the cramp made me stop to stretch the muscle and it was shortly after this that the announcement was made that the race was stopped. How pleased was I to run past all those walking runners? Pleased as it turned out not to be wasting my 16 weeks of training and pbs attained at 10km, 10mile, Half Marathon and 20 mile distances in my marathon training, but I had never suffered from this cramp before.
The race still seemed to be on as the finish clock came into view. The disappointment was to be expected. I had finished in 1,259th place with a gun to finish time of 3:54:02 and a chip time of 3:52:25, some 14 minutes slower than London last year. But I had made it when many didn't after they had been threatend that they were risking their health by continuing. Chris Hall finished with a chip time of 3:38:57. I was told that even the Runners World Pacers couldn't make their times.
The experience makes me more determined than ever to succeed and proves that you can prepare as well as you possibly can but the conditions on the day are totally out of your control.
My thanks go to Lisa, Mike, Emma, Andy, Rachel and the the "Clappy Thing" for their most welcome support.
Marathon fever
WebEd has been globetrotting in Paris, Frankfurt and Birmingham (you wouldn't believe the problems I've had with making myself understood! And, to think, it's only 150 miles up the M40/M42!).
My apologies for the delay in posting congrats to those who took part in the Rotterdam and Paris Marathons. The weather took the headlines for all the wrong reasons in both cities with a couple of fatalities reported in Paris where runners had to endure 28 degree heat. No news yet from Tony and Kathie - so if you're reading you two, let us have your race report and a couple of piccies! Tony finished in 5.19.18; Kathie in 5.36.13 - and in those temperatures that took some doing!
In Rotterdam, organisers had to halt the race by advising runners to walk to the finish - once again, the heat was the problem. Peter finished in 3.52.25 - read Peter's race report above.
And so to this weekend and to those who are taking part in the marathon, make sure you're hydrated, carbo loaded, fit, rested and raring to go!
Ladies Captain Rachel Davies writes:
"I hope that the training and carb-loading are going well. If I see another bit of pasta ........!!!!!
The big day can be very daunting for runners and gruelling for the supporters who run around London hoping to catch a glimpse of someone they know, so I think that we will all deserve a drink at the end!
If you fancy a post marathon drink or cup of tea, you'll find a few Waddies propping up the bar and nursing smelly, blistered feet in the "All Bar One" in Leicester Square. (More details here)
Good luck to everyone!
See you on the train (if I seem a bit quiet, I'm not being rude - it's because I'll be refuelling on cake!) or in the bar.
Rachel xox
My apologies for the delay in posting congrats to those who took part in the Rotterdam and Paris Marathons. The weather took the headlines for all the wrong reasons in both cities with a couple of fatalities reported in Paris where runners had to endure 28 degree heat. No news yet from Tony and Kathie - so if you're reading you two, let us have your race report and a couple of piccies! Tony finished in 5.19.18; Kathie in 5.36.13 - and in those temperatures that took some doing!
In Rotterdam, organisers had to halt the race by advising runners to walk to the finish - once again, the heat was the problem. Peter finished in 3.52.25 - read Peter's race report above.
And so to this weekend and to those who are taking part in the marathon, make sure you're hydrated, carbo loaded, fit, rested and raring to go!
Ladies Captain Rachel Davies writes:
"I hope that the training and carb-loading are going well. If I see another bit of pasta ........!!!!!
The big day can be very daunting for runners and gruelling for the supporters who run around London hoping to catch a glimpse of someone they know, so I think that we will all deserve a drink at the end!
If you fancy a post marathon drink or cup of tea, you'll find a few Waddies propping up the bar and nursing smelly, blistered feet in the "All Bar One" in Leicester Square. (More details here)
Good luck to everyone!
See you on the train (if I seem a bit quiet, I'm not being rude - it's because I'll be refuelling on cake!) or in the bar.
Rachel xox
Friday, 13 April 2007
Last call for Awards Dinner!!
Hope the London training is going well guys!
The WebEd is popping to Paris tomorrow to spy on Kathie and Tony Gates who will be representing the club in the Marathon.
Social Sec. Cathy has announced the final call for the Awards Dinner. Here's her message:
"Hope everybody is fit and well.
I now have 29 people who have accepted for the Awards Dinner on Saturday 28th April. If anybody else wishes to join us you have until the end of next week to let me know, I will then be confirming numbers and choices to the restaurant. Anybody who hasn't yet paid can pay on the night.
Those confirmed:-
Peter & Lisa Burfoot
Sara & Guy Wrenn
Martin & Cathy Burke
Kathie Gates & Terry
Michael Pain & Emma Birks
Eddie & Mimi Wattenbach
Rachel & Jem Davies
Tim Clements
Helen & Roger Neary
Alex Woodhouse & Andrew Harris
Albert & Sue Kemp
Shane Last & Juliet Holroyd
Roger & Christine Smith
Mike & Melinda Mackay
Ciaran & Diane Osborn
The Girls Night out was a great success. So much so that they've decided to do it once a month. (Really? - WebEd) The last Thursday in the month seems to suit but probably best to give April a miss as we have the Awards Dinner on the Saturday. So the next Girlie drinks will be on Thursday 31st May at the Chequers, in Lamberhurst. If you will be joining us please let Bonita or myself know.
Peter Burfoot has asked whether members would like to do their Sunday morning club run in Harrietsham on Sunday 6th May as part of the Heart of Kent Hospice 8.5 mile sponsored Bluebell Walk. Peter is secretary of the Hospice. We would have to start at 8.15 to avoid walkers and Harrietsham is about an hour from Wadhurst. The walk goes along tracks and paths, involves stiles, is steep in parts and rough terrain. It is not normally open to the public. Cost to enter is £6 unless you wish to raise sponsorship when it is free if you raise over £50. Refreshments will be supplied. If you wish to join Peter please let me know so that we can inform the organisers."
The WebEd is popping to Paris tomorrow to spy on Kathie and Tony Gates who will be representing the club in the Marathon.
Social Sec. Cathy has announced the final call for the Awards Dinner. Here's her message:
"Hope everybody is fit and well.
I now have 29 people who have accepted for the Awards Dinner on Saturday 28th April. If anybody else wishes to join us you have until the end of next week to let me know, I will then be confirming numbers and choices to the restaurant. Anybody who hasn't yet paid can pay on the night.
Those confirmed:-
Peter & Lisa Burfoot
Sara & Guy Wrenn
Martin & Cathy Burke
Kathie Gates & Terry
Michael Pain & Emma Birks
Eddie & Mimi Wattenbach
Rachel & Jem Davies
Tim Clements
Helen & Roger Neary
Alex Woodhouse & Andrew Harris
Albert & Sue Kemp
Shane Last & Juliet Holroyd
Roger & Christine Smith
Mike & Melinda Mackay
Ciaran & Diane Osborn
The Girls Night out was a great success. So much so that they've decided to do it once a month. (Really? - WebEd) The last Thursday in the month seems to suit but probably best to give April a miss as we have the Awards Dinner on the Saturday. So the next Girlie drinks will be on Thursday 31st May at the Chequers, in Lamberhurst. If you will be joining us please let Bonita or myself know.
Peter Burfoot has asked whether members would like to do their Sunday morning club run in Harrietsham on Sunday 6th May as part of the Heart of Kent Hospice 8.5 mile sponsored Bluebell Walk. Peter is secretary of the Hospice. We would have to start at 8.15 to avoid walkers and Harrietsham is about an hour from Wadhurst. The walk goes along tracks and paths, involves stiles, is steep in parts and rough terrain. It is not normally open to the public. Cost to enter is £6 unless you wish to raise sponsorship when it is free if you raise over £50. Refreshments will be supplied. If you wish to join Peter please let me know so that we can inform the organisers."
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Juniors bring home the bacon
Four Waddies made the journey into Kent on Good Friday to take part in the Folkestone 10. This traditional race is not always blessed with good weather but this year's event was held in beautiful warm sunshine and helped to create an atmosphere more reminiscent of a Village Fete.
Whilst the grown-ups all made their more modest targets it was the youngsters who brought home the titles with Hayley Mackay - daughter of Mike and Melinda - winning the girls race in 5 mins 40 sister Amy was 7th. Liam, son of Martin and Cathy was 1st in the 9-11 Boys in a time of 5 mins 20 secs.
The race was marred by what looks to have been the death of a runner - not taking part in the event - on the sea front course. Front runner in the race Sam Rigby stopped to provide assistance despite being in the top 5 in the race - demonstrating yet again just how selfless the running community is.
44. Mike Mackay 1.04.33
91. Peter Burfoot 1.10.00
350. Cathy Burke 1.29.05
354. Martin Burke 1.29.27
Cathy and Martin were both undergoing pre-London gentle pacing and Martin was trying desperately to finish in exactly 1.29.59 - but was cajoled and harried over the line too quickly by enthusiastic and well-meaning spectators who thought he was struggling to finish!!
Easter Monday sees a 10K race in Lewes for those who fancy a run to get rid of those Easter Egg calories; next week it's the Paris and Rotterdam Marathons - so good luck to Kathie and Tony (Paris) and Peter and Mike Pain (Rotterdam). Don't forget the camera!
Whilst the grown-ups all made their more modest targets it was the youngsters who brought home the titles with Hayley Mackay - daughter of Mike and Melinda - winning the girls race in 5 mins 40 sister Amy was 7th. Liam, son of Martin and Cathy was 1st in the 9-11 Boys in a time of 5 mins 20 secs.
The race was marred by what looks to have been the death of a runner - not taking part in the event - on the sea front course. Front runner in the race Sam Rigby stopped to provide assistance despite being in the top 5 in the race - demonstrating yet again just how selfless the running community is.
44. Mike Mackay 1.04.33
91. Peter Burfoot 1.10.00
350. Cathy Burke 1.29.05
354. Martin Burke 1.29.27
Cathy and Martin were both undergoing pre-London gentle pacing and Martin was trying desperately to finish in exactly 1.29.59 - but was cajoled and harried over the line too quickly by enthusiastic and well-meaning spectators who thought he was struggling to finish!!
Easter Monday sees a 10K race in Lewes for those who fancy a run to get rid of those Easter Egg calories; next week it's the Paris and Rotterdam Marathons - so good luck to Kathie and Tony (Paris) and Peter and Mike Pain (Rotterdam). Don't forget the camera!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
London Marathon travel arrangements
Thanks to Mike Mackay for digging out the train details for London Marathon day.
South Eastern Trains are putting on a FLM special to get runners to the start line on time. The train leaves Robertsbridge at 6.31am and Wadhurst at 6.47am.
Quite a number of Waddies should be on this train - so why not look out for the Blue and Red carriage!
Train times
Departs 06:47 08:47 09:20 09:47 10:20
Arrives 07:53 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:25
South Eastern Trains are putting on a FLM special to get runners to the start line on time. The train leaves Robertsbridge at 6.31am and Wadhurst at 6.47am.
Quite a number of Waddies should be on this train - so why not look out for the Blue and Red carriage!
Train times
Departs 06:47 08:47 09:20 09:47 10:20
Arrives 07:53 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:25
Paddock Wood results
Three Waddies were in Paddock Wood on Sunday for the half marathon. Unfortunately the race clashed with the Worthing 20 or there would have been a few more Waddies taking part. Congratulations to Peter for yet another pb - and well done too to Linda and Kevin who both posted sub 1.45's.
Peter Burfoot 1.34.46
Linda Hayes 1.42.38
Kevin Parkinson 1.44.19
Bit of goss from last night's training run. Apparently Albert and Bonita were running together and the conversation went something like this:
Bonita: (talking generally about running after her leg op) "Yeah, I'm feeling quite good about my running. I'm still only 7 weeks out from both ops though."
Albert: "That’s funny I thought girls had it in their faces not their legs."
Bonita: (silence and thought). "Albert I said 'both ops' not botox!"
Come on Albert - it's supposed to be the legs that go first not the hearing!
Peter Burfoot 1.34.46
Linda Hayes 1.42.38
Kevin Parkinson 1.44.19
Bit of goss from last night's training run. Apparently Albert and Bonita were running together and the conversation went something like this:
Bonita: (talking generally about running after her leg op) "Yeah, I'm feeling quite good about my running. I'm still only 7 weeks out from both ops though."
Albert: "That’s funny I thought girls had it in their faces not their legs."
Bonita: (silence and thought). "Albert I said 'both ops' not botox!"
Come on Albert - it's supposed to be the legs that go first not the hearing!
Monday, 2 April 2007
More photos from Worthing
Lord Snowdon was in Worthing yesterday - but he couldn't take any photos so we got Lord Nose to do them instead.
An old man who was obviously so far behind the rest of the field he can have a whole photograph to himself!
Eddie and Cathy competing against a bloke who hadn't realised he'd left his gorilla costume at home.
Shane on the move.
An old man who was obviously so far behind the rest of the field he can have a whole photograph to himself!
Eddie and Cathy competing against a bloke who hadn't realised he'd left his gorilla costume at home.
Shane on the move.
Round and round we go - it must be Worthing!
Well done to the Waddies yesterday for a great turnout at the annual mind-numbingly boring Worthing 20. The four laps of five miles each are usually a test of mental strength as well as physical endurance and yesterday was no exception. A bitterly cold start was accompanied by a strong wind that made the seafront leg of the circuit a bit of a battle.
But didn't we do well?
The race doubled up as the Sussex 20 Mile Championships and the Wadhurst Men (Mike Mackay, Albert and Eddie) finished 7th. Congratulations too to Mike Mackay who finished 52nd overall; and to Albert who was 1st male Vet 5 and 2nd in his age group in the Sussex Champs. Once again though it was a good all round performance from the Waddies which augurs well for the Sussex GP.
Results from Worthing:
52. Mike Mackay 2.18.16
134. Albert Kemp 2.34.50
250. Eddie Wattenbach 2.47.44
252. Rachel Davies 2.47.54
307. Shane Last 2.53.35
323. Cathy Hall 2.55.16
396. Cathy Burke 3.05.18
433. Martin Burke 3.10.44
511. Kathie Gates 3.22.17
545. Tony Gates 3.31.39
609. Sara Wrenn 3.57.20
Well done to all and, from the Web Ed. thanks to all those Waddies and other assorted ragbag runners who ate all my fruit pastilles. Stealing from an 11 year old boy is shameful - and whilst I don't mind sharing I do mind if it means I go without!
And, as for that important post-race recovery - why not take a leaf out of Sara's book! This is her yesterday afternoon. Couple of things - what a waste of peas and there should be a dress code - Waddies wearing odd socks? whatever next!
So, that's probably the last of the long runs before the Spring Marathons and good luck to all taking part in the London Marathon on April 22nd. Good luck too to Peter Burfoot (Rotterdam) and to Tony and Kathie Gates (Paris) who go elsewhere for their marathon thrills(!).
It's taper time now and a chance to get those wonderfully honed athletic bodies in tip-top shape. Training though continues as normal on Tuesdays and Sundays. For those who need a race fix, there are a couple of races taking place in the area over the next few weeks:
Good Friday April 6th Folkestone 10
Easter Monday April 9th Lewes 10K and fun runs
April 15th Arundel Park 10K
Check back here later for photos from Worthing - we're just getting the permission to show them!!
But didn't we do well?
The race doubled up as the Sussex 20 Mile Championships and the Wadhurst Men (Mike Mackay, Albert and Eddie) finished 7th. Congratulations too to Mike Mackay who finished 52nd overall; and to Albert who was 1st male Vet 5 and 2nd in his age group in the Sussex Champs. Once again though it was a good all round performance from the Waddies which augurs well for the Sussex GP.
Results from Worthing:
52. Mike Mackay 2.18.16
134. Albert Kemp 2.34.50
250. Eddie Wattenbach 2.47.44
252. Rachel Davies 2.47.54
307. Shane Last 2.53.35
323. Cathy Hall 2.55.16
396. Cathy Burke 3.05.18
433. Martin Burke 3.10.44
511. Kathie Gates 3.22.17
545. Tony Gates 3.31.39
609. Sara Wrenn 3.57.20
Well done to all and, from the Web Ed. thanks to all those Waddies and other assorted ragbag runners who ate all my fruit pastilles. Stealing from an 11 year old boy is shameful - and whilst I don't mind sharing I do mind if it means I go without!
And, as for that important post-race recovery - why not take a leaf out of Sara's book! This is her yesterday afternoon. Couple of things - what a waste of peas and there should be a dress code - Waddies wearing odd socks? whatever next!
So, that's probably the last of the long runs before the Spring Marathons and good luck to all taking part in the London Marathon on April 22nd. Good luck too to Peter Burfoot (Rotterdam) and to Tony and Kathie Gates (Paris) who go elsewhere for their marathon thrills(!).
It's taper time now and a chance to get those wonderfully honed athletic bodies in tip-top shape. Training though continues as normal on Tuesdays and Sundays. For those who need a race fix, there are a couple of races taking place in the area over the next few weeks:
Good Friday April 6th Folkestone 10
Easter Monday April 9th Lewes 10K and fun runs
April 15th Arundel Park 10K
Check back here later for photos from Worthing - we're just getting the permission to show them!!
Arundel Park 10K,
Folkestone 10,
Lewes 10K,
Worthing 20
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