Friday, 1 June 2007

A bracing run .....

A clutch (is that the right collective term for a number of Waddies in one place?) braved a bracing sea wind on Wednesday night in the first of the Bexhill Seafront races. These popular races normally attract a good entry and Wednesday saw around 150 runners set out along the out and back course with a nice following wind - which, of course, was full in the face for the return legs!

Congratulations to Sally Toll who took part in her first ever event - so that'll be your first pb then Sally! Results from the event:

48. Peter Burfoot 21.32
58. Linda Hayes 22.24
69. Albert Kemp 23.35
98. Roger Smith 26.08
144. Sally Toll 37.46
145. Martin Burke 37.47

Tonight Friday, there's the second in the 5K series at Ashford and tomorrow the Harvel Hash is always worth a look - with its beer stop at half way!

Wherever you're running - have a good weekend.

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