Wednesday, 19 November 2008


As far as is known, Waddies race action at the weekend centred on or near to the south coast, with the Bexhill 10k, the Folkestone Half Marathon and the Firle 20k Trail Run taking place.

Bexhill 10k

60th 48:24 Albert Kemp

Folkestone Half Marathon

439th 2:14:18 Charlotte Petkovic

Firle 20k Trail Run

23rd 1:40:04 Peter Burfoot

The Firle race started in the cool of a sunny windless morning at 9:30 am and the running conditions were ideal for attempting the assault on the scarp face of the South Downs (provided by that time you had not ground to a halt, or a walk) and running up and down along the ridge once you reached the top.

This Sunday sees the running of the Lewes Downland Off-road 10 mile race which is part of the Sussex Grand Prix Series.

Details can be found on the Sussex Races Website:

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